Happy New Year!

January 5, 2009

Happy New Year to everyone! May 2009 bring you happiness and prosperity!

This is the first year when I continuosly wish prosperity to everyone. My standard wishes usually include non-material things as health and love, but this year is different. I think we all need a little hope in the financial department this year.

I hate to sound pessimistic, but heck the whole world is struggling in the economy slump and there’s no point to deny it.

Still, I’d like to point out several photographic opportunities that arise from current hardship. I am referring to various “hot” concepts that can be portrayed in a photo.

Economic Hardship

Lost jobs, bankruptcy, foreclosures, etc – all of these happenings got many people struggling right now.  It’s a good idea to think of creative ways to portray these concepts.


Future/Looking Forward

Although economic hardship and related images make the most sense right now, keep in mind that advertisers need positive imagery for the majority of campaigns. Naturally, the next step would be to come up with solutions to all of our current problems. I’m referring to imagery that brings out hope of better times ahead of us.


Simple Pleasures

The final point that I would like to make is that people tend to turn to life’s simple pleasures when going through hardships. For instance when a person can no longer afford to go out, he/she spends more time at home with their family, playing board games, talking, maybe strolling at a local park, or playing sports with friends. Material things are less of importance and happiness comes from human relations. As long as basic needs of food and shelter are met, people feel healthy and happy.


I always say that a little planning before the photo shoot goes a long way! Of course don’t forget to have fun!